Inga Staniune


Chief HR Officer – AVIA SOLUTIONS GROUP and certified Gestalt Psychotherapist


Inga Staniune, Chief HR Officer at Avia Solutions Group in the aviation industry, brings 19 years of expertise in business management and consulting. A seasoned human resource management professional, psychotherapist, psychologist, and lecturer, Inga specializes in organizational relationships, behavioral models, self-awareness, personal leadership development, stress management, well-being, and intercultural differences.

As a certified Gestalt Psychotherapist and active association member, she excels in international team management, having collaborated with over 60 countries throughout her career. Inga is dedicated to advancing human resources and fostering positive workplace dynamics within the aviation sector.


May 14, 2024 01:35 PM

Workplace Realities: Unveiling Myths, Vulnerability, and the Impact of Conscious Leadership

  • Psychological safety at work: reality and myth
  • Leader's Vulnerability Unlocks Your Team's Potential
  • Conscious leadership and how does this affect role assignment in a team?
  • Setting clear boundaries – a success factor of a diverse leader

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