Caroline (Buist) Turner


Head of Assessment and Organisation Behaviour – SHELL


Caroline is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, specialising in behavioural measurement and insights. She spent the bulk of her career in consulting, devising and implementing talent solutions for a range of clients across industries before moving in-house, where she has lead assessment, engagement and talent solutions teams.

At Shell, she leads employee listening and assessment. Currently, she is completing her PhD at Royal Holloway, exploring the antecedents of critical organisational behaviours. Originally from South Africa, she is now based in London.


May 14, 2024 04:05 PM

Enabling Leadership Effectiveness via Data-driven Insights

This presentation outlines the importance of using data-driven insights to build and equip leaders that can deliver the organisational strategy. It will explore Shell’s approach to insights-driven leadership and how we use data for and about leaders to enable leadership effectiveness and the attainment of business outcomes. Further, we’ll share some of our key findings and learnings that we’ve taken into our leadership approach and practices.

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