Carlos Courelas (1)


Human Resources Manager – SERVIER


Carlos Courelas is currently Human Resources Manager at Servier, a multinational pharmaceutical company and based in Portugal.

Before that, he has also worked several years in a global company in transport & logistics industry and M&A environment.

From a solid HR Operational experience for day-to-day needs to a Business Partner approach, he is dedicated to championing the transformation of HR into a function that proactively contributes to the achievement of key results, defining and implementing the best strategies that empower people.

Above all, an enthusiastic of Long-Life Learning, Carlos holds Degrees in HR Management and the Lisbon MBA from Católica I NOVA universities, while currently undertaking ICF coaching education, an eye-opening journey into developing more meaningful life and work objectives.


May 14, 2024 04:35 PM

Panel Discussion: Agile Minds: Adapting Talent Management to Ever-Changing Business Landscape

In this panel discussion, explore how to establish a transparent talent strategy and understand its broader impact. Learn how to identify groups of significant value and delve into strategies to empower them further. Discover how to create an inclusive talent strategy that engages everyone without causing disconnection among larger groups. Additionally, gain insights into how to develop leaders who can motivate specialists and successfully navigate various organizational levels.

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